Tuesday 28 May 2013

Project Girl

Hello friends, check out my side project, a new website and collective formed by an all-star group of kick ass girls who want to learn about each other and the world, create and inspire and help to empower women everywhere:

Check us out online: www.projectgirlcollective.com 

Thursday 16 May 2013

Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mothers Day

Celebrating all the sacred momma's out there today, including my own!!! As women, we are all mother's in some way, whether we have given birth or not; the feminine naturally holds the world compassionately in her arms. Today's post is dedicated to our greatest mother- Mama Earth...

Friday 26 April 2013

Full Moon Potions

Last night was not only the full moon in Scorpio but also a lunar eclipse! Some powerful moon energy has been floating around for the last couple days, and will continue for the next couple...meaning a perfect time to cleanse ourselves, and the things around us. For me personally this is always a great time to mix any herbal remedies, make bath oils, cleanse crystals etc. Last night I experimented with what I like to call a Moon Juice, a mixture of herbs and essential oils of the moon.

Herbs of the moon (some are white sandalwood, jasmine flowers, mugwort, cucumber and lily) are great for developing intuition and psychic abilities, but they simply help us to go deeper into our subconscious to bring back important messages. They help us dream and remember our dreams...the full moon always brings about lots of dreams for me! I like to mix combinations and use the mixture in the bath before I go to sleep at night, I definately notice a difference when I use my Moon Juice!

Every month I am going to be creating new mixtures and combinations and soon they will be up for sale in my shop. Next month I am making protection amulets with special stones that can be worn around the neck to stay close. Each blend is blessed in a circle under the moon with corresponding crystals, stones, metals, specific ritual wording and of course intention and energy!

Here is a photo from my moon ritual and offering last night:

Sunday 14 April 2013

Mushroom Magic (my favorite vegetables)

Amazing collection by fashion house Romance Was Born called "Mushroom Magic". I don't think words can describe this collection, only pictures do it justice:

I want to live in this land:

Check out more photos here: www.romancewasborn.com

Tuesday 9 April 2013

April Moodboard

I'm starting a new monthly moodboard of inspiration for my crafting projects: textures, shapes, colors, shades, concepts, places, people and things...

Thursday 4 April 2013

Treasured Collectibles

Here are some of my most treasured pieces that I have collected over the years. Each piece comes from a special place or a special someone and they each carry a sweet story or memory. I always display them in places I see everyday, and I hope to one day have a house filled with treasures to remind me of a life of adventure well lived!

Turkey feathers from a farm in my hometown
Owls galore! 
Two hand-crafted camels made by Bedouin girls in the Sahara Desert
Unicorn sleeping next to her moon :)
Abalone shell from New Zealand
Antique Hand of Fatima for protection (from Morocco)
Berber knife made from camel and snake skin
A birds nest my boyfriend found that had fallen with a shiny glitter crystal to make me smile :)

What do you treasure?