Wednesday 20 March 2013

Celebrating Ostara -Spring Equinox

I am not letting this foot of snow on the ground in Montreal hinder my own celebration of the Spring Equinox because with the end of semester, a new job on the horizon and the signing of new lease, Spring changes have come naturally! Although I can't wait to feel the sun on my skin and watch as this grey city turns to green, I did wake up feeling a little lighter this morning and the snow still looks beautiful. Spring is a natural time for revival, and today marks a beautiful transition into this new energy. I will be celebrating Ostara in spirit with those who are able to celebrate through festival today.

"These festivals of spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice, are immeasurably important in our human history, as the planetary movements revealed to humanity that the light, the sun, upon whose rays every single living thing depended was not only increasing, it would overpower the dark. Ancient people had no way of knowing that the stars would always be there, that the Sun was many millions of years old and would continue to exist for many more millions of years. Each winter meant the dread of eternal winter -indeed, how complacent should we be about the return of life each year? Can we be sure how long we as individuals have on this planet this lifetime? The spring equinox still signifies the coming of light, of warmth, of the return of life itself. The myths of Celts, Romans, Greeks, Norse and the Egyptians all recognize the spring equinox as the new beginning. " -Lucy Cavendish

What does spring mean to you? What needs reviving in your life? Hope? Health? Passion? This is a great time to literally start again. At the basis of spring is creative growth, energy. Your energy will naturally have been changing since the winter solstice-the sluggishness of winter becomes easier to shrug off once the darkest day is past. But now we are able to reactivate our core energy, and the sunshine can help with that! Go outside, play, laugh, live :)

To celebrate Ostara, here is a beautiful collection from photographer Kris Mort from Austria:

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